Was sagen internationale Fachkräfte über das Online-Speed-Dating

Yadnesh Nandkumar Shete:

"I have participated in the Speed Dating event for the last 3 semesters, and it has given me a different experience everytime. (...) It gives an insight of what exactly the representatives look for in a person they want to hire or work with. I strongly recommend individuals who want to work in Germany to be a part of this event."


Rositsa Dimitrova:

,,Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich im November 2021 beim Bewerbungstraining, Vorstellungsgesprächstraining und Speed-Dating des Welcome Centers teilnehmen konnte. Ich hatte die Möglichkeit, viel Neues zu lernen und an Vorstellungsgesprächen mit Vertretern großer Unternehmen aus Aalen und Region teilnehmen zu dürfen. Es war wirklich toll und ich kann es euch ebenfalls empfehlen."


Nikhil Kumar Maniyanthotil:

"The event was nice and informative for an international student like me. I got to know more about some companies nearby Aalen. Talking to the executives from the company I learned, what I can expect in an interview."


Zyanya Zúñiga:

"The Speed Dating program from the Welcome Center helped me practice and gain confidence for interviews and the whole process of recruiting in Germany. I learned while growing my network and connecting with real national and international companies."